When we no longer afraid , we began to live Is there any day you woke up with out any fear ? We suspect no , not a single day . we fear for today's day , we fear for our career , we fear for our health , we fear for our future , we fear outcomes and death . Even no sense we forget not to fear , is this life is all about ? If we compare the days we were kids the amount of happiness , success we had has drastically dipped down when we grow up . According to the expert's our brain develops with the age but the rate of well lived life drastically decrease . This is all because of FEAR . What is fear than ? It is the strongest emotion that we ourselves create in our minds , that causes number of effects . The consequence of fear impacts not only mentally but physically . We fear for the outcomes of future instead not acting in the present . It is fear that controls all our present and ruins our future . The most of our failures are because of fear of the consequence...