Inspirational quotes that will inspire you to be best, achieve the unachievable and live a happy life. Inspiration is as important as breathing. When every one of us going through ups and downs in every aspect of life, being inspired helps to face the challenges. Here are the top 5 quotes:- 1. Fail-proof is full proof Isn't it a true and sure-shot mantra to succeed? Failure is just part of it from getting big. Everyone who had succeeded big did fail and they all are fail-proof, from Steve Jobs to you and me. What changes the game is being fail-proof. 2. Get up! Chin up! It's yet not over Do not give up Everyone great fails but that doesn't let them down but they get up, face the failure chin up and they never ever give up. 3. Never feel sorry, guilty comparing others. If you have made mistakes then you are on track. Aren't you fade up when every time you are compar...