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Showing posts from 2018

Exam post 1

An old adage " if you failing to plan then you are planning to fail " is completely true to each one of us life and for students who will be sitting for their respective class 10 th and 12 th board examination ( let's not forget we all are students ) . It's high time to prep for an important examination nonetheless the most important examination in one's life. One could predict students daily routine when exam date sheets of most boards has been declared . Early morning maths practice, burning the midnight candle , remembering those ancient histories and so on is tiresome but worth for scoring good marks . These exams play an crucial role to achieve your further goals in your life . Here many student's commonly have few questions in their mind , precisely three viz , Am I doing enough for preparation of my board exams ? , I haven't fully prepared , what should I do when exams are knocking the door ( infact kicking) , why I am not sure enough to be able...

Guru - A teacher

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha Meaning of the above Sloka(song) is verily the representative of Braha-ma , Vishnu and Shiva , ( Creater , preserver, destroyer/ transformer) respectively. The three trinity God's  in Hinduism.He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru. On a fine day a respected teacher and an intelligent Saint  while returning from school followed a father and his son on the way enjoying their walk and tall mango trees in the asile . The son asked his father for mangoes from the tree and soon his father agreed to pluck some mangoes for his son from that tall tree . The teacher observed every bit of incidents between father and his son . The father went near a tall mango tree and chanted a hymn ( mantra) for few minutes ,the tree bowed down and  that helped him to pluck some mangoes . Observing all those incidents the Saint was shocked ,...


We are in a world where almost every one of us are lonely in one way or another . This being not only limited to few but many of us and sometime or other we feel the urge to get rid of this loneliness, even if you have got best of best material stuffs with you that would some way make space for loneliness , strange but true . These are few reasons why one might be lonely .  1.  Unhappy with thyself :- The reason most of us are lonely is because for a familiar reason of not knowing thyself . Being unhappy with ourselves for least petty reason that lures to get trapped in loneliness .  2. Lifestyle :- Lifestyle that one is involved in makes the difference when it comes to being lonely . A forcibly adapted lifestyle that one isn't fond of makes the complete day lazy lame .  3. People around you :-  As the saying goes you are an average of the people you are with , that goes well when a person in lonely . It is being where one enjoys the company than where you ...

Achievements archive

Achievements archive Let's go back to a common memory of each of our school days where the teachers would be mentioning their scale from which they are ought to be marked like for a good handwriting or for a neat diagram etc . But as life is so different than those school days it is awkward to have such a small scale to measure our day today achievements and present a report card in front of the world . No yardstick can measure the hard times you have gone through , no scale would ever measure the leap you have had taken in life and neither there is any of instrument that can measure the degree of happiness . And there brings another memory from back school days where we used to look for others answers sheet for the appropriate answer for a following question . But contrary to the school answer sheets in life we have varied answer sheets that have had been written , stricked down and rewritten again and again . No matter whatever you think upon the scale and sheets the importa...

Secrets of healthy relationship ...

What do you think the secret of a healthy relationship ? Is it that simple or complicated to be in a relationship ? Wonder always is there any secret for a happy relationship , honestly it's simple to keep a relationship healthy . Being the best girl or a boy doesn't necessarily keeps ones relationship strong and healthy. There are no formulas to work with in order to have a long lasting relationship but certainly few simple things that would help to get rid of making mess in a relationship ... Just A, B,and C of a healthy relationship ADMIRE :- The first thing that comes to mind when comes to a great relationship is to admire . Without admiration love fades and bitterness , disdain builds making the relationship malign or infectious. Many couples fight showing dissatisfaction and spiting venoms in their mind . Two people who interact in such way cannot make a happy relationship. If you fail to admire your loved one builds deep bond of intimacy and destined to happy relatio...

Please do a favour

Please do a favour , Be yourself a beautiful lover , Never bog yourself down , Be the king , Queen adorned crown . Do not lower your standards to fit in , Never urge separation to burn within , Let the light within glow , Non the enroute to goal  shall slow. Please do a favour, You won't give up ever , Troubles do always come , It's you who to overcome ... Do not let your wishes go , Amid all others pretty show , Thine is the glory , Sway across in life without worry ... Get a copy of my new book here ...                       


What about a day when you wake up and loose the power of choosing ? What it would be like you have to pick what you got in life? It sounds definitely boring idea to have what just life had to offer without having an option of choosing . In every moment of life choices play an indecisive role and all choices that are made helps us to achieve our short term and long term goals . Making choices and decisions are part of life mostly because of twists and turns  life posses and it's wise to choose a step apt to the challenges . Choices are though fascinating and baffling but worth with respect of challenging circumstances in life . These choices act as a catalyst to success and happiness . Its the choice whether to wake up or junk in bed dreaming , it's choice between , to dream big or having small ones . In every step we have choices that decide due course of our life . It's our choice that make or break those obstacles in our path . Sometimes those choices backlash withou...

Learnings from a baby

Learning is never ending process  whether you are young or old . Importantly we learn from everything and everyone whom we meet , this helps us to grow . A small baby is from whom we learn so many things that even works magic for any age group.  There is no secret that all of us love small cute babies and kids and they have so many lessons to teach us.  These are few lessons we learn from babies. 1.  Smile even if all odds. Observed a baby who never fails to smile even though all scolding , beatings . You would find a baby still smiling after the moment you scold or beat . This teaches us a lesson to smile even in all odds. 2.  Nothing stays forever. Ever wonder how babies gives such an important lesson of life. No matter how worst your current scenerio of life it won't last forever. The nature of life is impermanent. Every sticky situation unpleasant circumstance, low and high will pass. 3. We are dependent creatures. No matter how you beat doll d...