Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
Meaning of the above Sloka(song) is verily the representative of Braha-ma , Vishnu and Shiva , ( Creater , preserver, destroyer/ transformer) respectively. The three trinity God's in Hinduism.He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.
On a fine day a respected teacher and an intelligent Saint while returning from school followed a father and his son on the way enjoying their walk and tall mango trees in the asile . The son asked his father for mangoes from the tree and soon his father agreed to pluck some mangoes for his son from that tall tree . The teacher observed every bit of incidents between father and his son . The father went near a tall mango tree and chanted a hymn ( mantra) for few minutes ,the tree bowed down and that helped him to pluck some mangoes . Observing all those incidents the Saint was shocked , a tree following a man's advice and he wishes to learn that mantra from him . He follwed him the next day to his place and asked that man to teach him that mantra by which a tree bows down .
Sir , what can I teach you . It would be so embarrassing to teach such scholarly Saint like you . Please forgive me .
The Saint requested him but he denied to teach . But the Saint didn't give up . He used to visit every day in search of getting taught by him .
One day his 7 years old son asked the Saint why are you visiting our place for so many days do you have any work with my father?
Yes I want to learn the mantra , after chanting the tree bows down and obeys our command .
Oh! That's the matter . I know that mantra my father has taught me . I will teach you , the son said with a smile on his face .
The saint was in rejoice and learnt from a seven year old boy .After he learnt that hymn he took him to an upland , made him sit and thanked him with folded hands . You are guru ( teacher ) thank you so much for teaching me that hymn ..
In life we need a guru or a teacher to guide our ship . No matter how , when and whom we learn some way or other we are a student to their teachings . A teacher plays an important role in shaping anyone's life with out any doubt . Having a guru is moreover helpful than harmful , with respects and honour we need to learn from a guru ( teacher).
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