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Showing posts from 2020

Quotes that inspires

Inspirational quotes that will inspire you to be best, achieve the unachievable and live a happy life.  Inspiration is as important as breathing. When every one of us going through ups and downs in every aspect of life, being inspired helps to face the challenges.  Here are the top 5 quotes:-    1.  Fail-proof is full proof      Isn't it a true and sure-shot mantra to succeed? Failure is just part of it from getting big. Everyone who had succeeded big did fail and they all are fail-proof, from Steve Jobs to you and me.  What changes the game is being fail-proof.    2. Get up! Chin up!        It's yet not over        Do not give up Everyone great fails but that doesn't let them down but they get up, face the failure chin up and they never ever give up. 3. Never feel sorry, guilty comparing others. If you have made mistakes then you are on track. Aren't you fade up when every time you are compar...

Changing Times

Time has changed unexpectedly, and we are bound to be a part of the change. Remember, days last year you might have been in school learning new concepts regarding your subject of interest or even bore with the teachings that are stuffed into your head. But undoubtedly that were days you want to relish again.  Waking up lazily for school, being hesitant for breakfast, and soon you reach the school bus the laziness just vanishes. When you meet your friends, classmates, seniors and juniors every bit of laziness vanishes. That's the lovely miracle school brings, that's the connection it brings. Everything changed in a matter of months due to this Pandemic COVID19; now you are locked in a boundary safely. You are irritated; yet safe, your school is online-based, learning through so many online portals and the tiring teachers are working hard to make you understand.  Sadly, even conducting exams. But you need not worry about the anxiety you are facing now, just have patience and it ...

You need change

Change is inevitably true, even the worst changes and the same change brings the best. This change follows everyone, from nature to the way you nurture yourself. But change not necessarily defines materialistic achievements- money, bungalows, expensive stuff and so on.  This Growth from the worst past to best present is the only pleasant change. I know a friend, small height lanky boy in his school days, who was such ill-treated in his childhood days by his friends, classmates for his studies, stupid things and so on. His childhood days were passed away bullied by his classmates, seniors and even he doesn't have much knowledge to get rid of it. It was in his secondary examination when his parents decided to put him in a residential college and there on the change was unbelievable. He is the same guy who never knew about the computer, is now doing MCA. Apart from having a degree, he is passionate about learning new and an avid photographer There are many stories where people change ...

Tender Love

Innocent love is best when you leave it and let it grow provided you care, nurture and work on it every day, every moment. But what about love in tender age, like in school going students, children's, who must rather concentrate on studies, have fun in life and of course enjoy. Contrary to their parents believes students are in love in a premature manner. Who would make them understand, love is not finding someone than fond by someone.  Love, the trending school days word has hampered more with encouragement from peers and social media. Necessarily you ought to fall in love in your school days to relish the trend, failed to follow; you are old fashioned.   What message has we as social beings, has imbibed in them to savour the school days, moments of Masti in school, friendship, concentrate on studies, set a goal early, learn new things or simply fall in love; that would perish with each passing hour. Infatuation, we better call it, an attraction at best.  Television...