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Post 17

Relationship is the only ship that can ferry someone all along through  a happy  life .  Ever wondered why we are not able to keep a relationship ? Do  we humans are  inept to make a long lasting relationship ,had we forget to love or  forgot what true love is ? Why we miserably fail when it comes in terms of having a healthy   a relationship ? Love life is not as easy as one thinks it needs  courage , pain and devotion . If one have to answer to all these question  ,one must introspect themselves and their relationship . The whole problem when we look at most of the broken relationship is that  they simply do not value their relationship nor the person they love . Every time they believe that they can fall in love easily , if it turns to broken relationship than they have great chance of having another relationship . That is fatal and it always turns so . Relationships are meant to kept even when it gets worse however it's true that we need to.move on when  there are no hope left behind .
No doubt there are so many ways to connect in this modern world but we depend too much in these technology as a result we get in touch but the emotions fall behind . In a relationship communication , connection and compassion are three important aspects upon which the foundations of ones relationship lay . It's no myth that each one of us want to be in a healthy relationship and for forever . The failure of Keeping a healthy relationship are always repeated by us and moreover we do not feel guilty of the mistakes we commit . Ego is the foremost problem that kills any relationship in a short span of time . It's no new problem nor its an  unavoidable one . Mend your ego before it breaks you . Generally we forget the simple things that are vital in a relationship , may be a good morning greet , a surprise dinner date and so on brings so much of  value in a relationship . Let us remember that not only big details but small details also matters the most . Adding to it the dying  art of thank you and sorry is making it worse in a relationship . We hardly use when we are in a relationship hoping it's not necessary if some one is close . This is not the case , these wonderful words gives trust to ones beloved as a result helps in building  stronger relationship .
Few do list in order to have a long lasting healthy relationship ..
Say and show that  you love them the most .
Three precious words I love you works as a remedy in any relationship no mater how we speak , when and where we speak it is always worth . Speak these three golden words to your beloved and believe it will work . Assure them in each step of life that you love them , it will make them feel wonderful .
Trust your beloved
Nothing walks with out trust , it's the foremost principle of any relationship . If you trust your loved one there are slim chances to fret .
Simply remember trust the most .
Work on your relationship
A relationship doesn't work until you are dedicated to take risks and share things that are on your heart as well as in head . Sometimes it might be hard to speak but have the courage and share everything truth .
Do be honest
As said honesty is the best policy that implies a big suggestion to keep a relationship intact . Speak the truth no mater how bitter it is . Whenever you speak truth there are hardly anything left behind to hide . You are like a open book and gives much freedom to your beloved to know you more .
Change yourself not your partner .
If you love someone and eager to change them what you want to , make not that  mistake . Change yoursef and speak yourself it's not a change in them will make the difference but the change is self will .
Check yourself when arguments , pain and fear .
Whenever we are upset we tend to look at partners faults instead of looking ourselves . Most of the time we are the culprit of our upset . Calm down and share with your partner instead jump into arguments .
Understand men are women different .
We all know there is a vast difference between the insights of a men and a women . Let's remember to cherish the similarities and respect the dissimilarities .
Honor everyday .. do not miss .
Every day you have the opportunity to make your relationship more sweeter . It's always nice and pleasent to cherish and respect your partner .
Respect your partner .
You won't be part of anything where you are tolerated rather than respected . It gives immense happiness when you respect your partner . Respect r love and  your partner .
Stay connected .
Love dies when you stop nurturing them . Connect where ever you go with your partner . Remember it's best to nurture when it's alive . Keep your love fire alive . Stay happy ..
Relationships can be kept forever with all simple laws . You need not go to a counselor or an expert to make it work . It needs care , share, and only love .
Love wins everywhere whether you follow those ardent rules or not . It wins at every cost  .
To be in a relationship is a honor ,to be in love is gracious . Make the most of the blessings you get in term of your relationship with your partner . Lucky are those who got , lot of people strive for love and a lovely relationship .


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