Have you ever thought why we being so powerful being among rest , most advanced still deficiate of happiness . The reason we are unhappy need to be accessed and mend it quickly to avoid it growing deep and harming us . My simple answer to this thought is " judgement " that is one of the prime accuse which kills our happiness . Sponsoring judgement is an bad idea as all of us has an own way than others . We are often ready to judge quickly at every juncture of life , whether it is a language and so on . We judge by what he/ she wears , what he / she posses , whether he or she got a good job , handsome package , we judge looking size of biceps or breast size and certify some one looks good enough . There are plenty of examples that disappoints us to name as we are social beings , who are believed to stay together.
In recent times it has known that we simply judge others the moment we are aware of it . Does judging others benefits ? To answer this simple question we need to be the person whom every one judges . Been in that place it would reveal how heart breaking it is , when you hear not appreciation but judgement . Judging some one not only creates doubt in his or her self belief , image but it points out so many figures on the speaker and his frame of mindset . No one of us has been escaped from judgement nor will . Judging others is a habit that we intentionally nurture to grow . The effects of judging others are immense , psychologicaly it demoralizes others and somewhere it ponders many questions on the person who judges. Judgement can be rationalized as someone who is experienced, expert on that particular art can justify the demonstrated skills . This age of social media and internet give us a free hand to share your thoughts , point of view but with a condition apply tag I.e no judgement . We are not in a position to judge others and if you are an expert than its a matter of thought and degree . The rage about judging goes to higher notch in most of the cases in order to hide the real facts . That's how we react when given opportunities.
Here are few negative impacts of judging .
1. It Hurts other people .
When we speak something about someone let us make sure it to be almost honest good thought , because thoughts are energies. Energies that hurt others are good for nothing . Generally it hurts when. We speak ill , judge others having known that we have our own unique way and others too .
2. It hurts your happiness.
Interestingly physiological reasearch demenostrated that how positively we think about others gives so much indication on how satisfied we are in life . The researchers found that positively judging other effects how enthusiastic, happy , kind hearted , courteous, emotionally stable we are and vice versa.
3. It depicts so much about your mind .
Narrow minded they call those who judge and those who are more stereotypes. Whenever we judge it speaks volumes about our thinking and mind set towards individuals, groups and society. It's like building high walls around you , that deter from happiness. Breaking the habit of judging is actually one of the biggest makeover that one can make towards embracing a more fulfilling abundant and satisfying life .
4. It brings lots of negativity to the world .
Waking up in the morning till we are asleep in night we try to get rid from so much of stress and more importantly from negatively. As said negativity is more worse than any dangerous diseases . If you don't stop practicing the habit of judging others not only you but all world would be facing negativity . No matter how you rationalize your judgements they definitely do not add any positive thoughts or emotion into the world .
5. It effects your self esteem.
Self esteem - A must and every one of us look to have it . What about that while you judge ? When you practice the habit of judging others , it is certain that you somewhere judge yourself harsly . It is a vicious cycle . The more you judge people by how they dress , how they speak , what they have and so on than there develops self consciousness and that hurts the way it does to others . Judgement plants a seed of fear , fear of self consciousness . A confident persons does not judge neither has a fear of self consciousness. Remember a confident man never judges rather builds confidence .
Few things you can try to get rid of this habit .
1. Remember your stengths .
Remember your stengths and your job half done . Strengths when nurtured builds your self esteem . Know where you stand and back your strengths . Back what you got , feel confident .
2. Digest the fact that you are unique.
When someone says you are unique than you tend to doubt whether we are unique. But certainly yes you are unique even every one of us in our own way . You might be best at something that gives opportunity to be unique. Most importantly you are loveable and unique. Believe it . The moment we rediscover our uniqness and believe in others we will seldom judge .
3. Connect with people .
We know people but rarely we know about them . Connecting and communicating with others reveals about them and it gives opportunities to know about them. This way you are more connected and less likely to judge .
The joy of coming together is been destroyed by our poor mindset of judging others . Why judge ,let's appreciate others for what they are , whoever they are . Love wins many hearts , compassion heals many sorrows.
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