Guru Dakshina
Every Saturday in a school there used to be a games period but unfortunately that Saturday due to rain they couldn't go outside for play. All students were playing words games, some pen fighting and others gossiped in the class itself. Suddenly maths teacher entered to the class and asks a question to all students, if I will give you a 100 rupees note what will you do?
To this question some easily answered they would buy their favourite chocolates, some said they would buy a story book and some had different wishes to fulfill. But one student didn't answer anything, the teacher asked him to stand up and say what he would like to buy if he is given a 100 rupees note. He replies, I would buy spectacles.
Oh! Nice but your father can buy for you, the teacher said.
Sir, My father is no more and my mother sews clothes. She has a problem in her sight, the doctor said if she wears a spectacles she would sew more so that it will helpful for me. All the day she stitches clothes to make my education, getting a spectacles will help her to earn more and help me for higher studies.
Tears dropped from teachers eye and the teacher gave all the amount he wished to buy spectacles for her mother.
Manny years later a car with red beacon parked infront of the school, a young IAS officer descends. He goes to the school principal enquiring about an old teacher. The principal took him to the old teacher, the young officer took his blessings bowing his head, touching feet. Sir myself Ramu, your student whom you debted rupees for buying spectacles. Sir your money, he lends his money as guru Dakshina ( a tradition in India to repay anything in love after seeking education from his/ her teacher or Guru)...
We in India worship guru, the teacher as God. Guru brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Maheshwara.
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