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Social media effects

Effect of social media on teenagers.

Social media has ingrained in our society in such an extent that it is virtually impossible to stay away from it. To the likes of teens, young, old, poor, rich  etc the social media have been part of their daily life. Every one is frenzy when it comes to socialising online, even the grooming teenagers never miss being socialising themselves in social sites. When the world has jumped to the bandwagon of being in social sites, teens are not behind to be active on social sites.
There are plethora of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc that  teens have the luxury to choose from and socialise themselves. As the popularity of social media spread to the length and breadth of the world, there are many opinions coming, both positive and negative though much of negative side.

Social media has reduced the world to a global village where teenagers can interact with new people, family members, freinds, peers in just a click away from around the world. Those interaction with other teens exchange ideas, knowledge to each other, access information and importantly grab  many opportunities on the social media. Avenue of meeting new friends and also been in touch with old school freinds can be possible in the platform of number of social sites. These social sites give opportunity to share opinions openly, share  creative skills like writing, painting, vblogs, blogs etc to a huge audience.

On the flip side social sites have many  adverse effects to teens as the internet is an unregulated world, without  any firm rules and hence teenagers are exposed to the gore images of murder, accidents, video footages of gun shooting, violence, obscenity etc. All those gore pictures and videos watched over long period of time effects to mental health of any teenagers and further having anxiety breakdown etc.
Too much of social media leads to addiction, with everyone in the bandwagon of social sites gaudy posts by peers impact  harsh on a teenagers mind leading to low self-esteem, comparative mindset and an uncontrolled obsession towards number of likes, posts etc. In order to go with the vogue shared by freinds in social media teenagers go for every extent to match them.

Social media distracts in their studies ultimately hampering in their career. Teenagers who are grooming themselves to be better in their studies, career, and in all aspects of life tends to be trapped in these fake social sites that is moreover curse than boon.  "Less is more " phrase suits  best to the usage of social media for teenagers.

Social media is like alcohol, one must consume responsibly..


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