This is her short story.
I was just 15 years old, alike others who had wishes, aspiring dreams and a life to rejoice. I always wanted to be a singer and support my not so affluent family but fate had another idea for me.
That day when I was on my way to a bookshop in khan market I was accosted by a men with other allocated friends. The same men whose proposal of marriage I rejected, consequently he threw acid on my face with acerbic comments. I lay down on the streets, writhing in pain, until a taxi driver came forward and rushed me to a near by hospital. It felt as if somebody has set fire one my whole body, the skin were coming off like flakes, without any choice I faced the moment with abject surrender. In order to see my reflection, I used to peep into the water filled container bought by nurse to only find blurred image of my bandaged face..
Three months of treatment with numerous number of surgeries for his abhor and acrimonious mind set, I spe...
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